Call Sheet
Chino Christmas Parade
December 8th 2018
7:30 am
Drop-off at Ramona Jr. High (arrive from the NORTH to avoid traffic.)
7:40 am
Dress/Warm-up/Set parade block/quick rehearsal of parade march.
8:30 am
Set parade block. Await instructions from Parade Officials
X:XX am
Step off in parade (our time is determined that morning)
X:XX am
Finish parade. Parents pick-up students at pick-up site (F st. and 5th st., West of Central)
Notes about gig:
Students should bring their shoes/socks/undergarments necessary for the uniform. It will probably be cold so thermal underwear is a good idea. Uniforms will be brought on the trailer.
Sousaphones, Large woodwinds, and battery percussion will also be brought on the trailer. All other instruments should be brought to the site by the student!
Trailer will be loaded Friday after school. We need loading crew and battery/tuba players to help load the trailer then.
Please note that although the directions for the event state where you should drop off your children, we have no idea as to the traffic that will be present at the time. With hundreds of band students converging on the same location please allow a little ‘fudge time’ so that your student can be on time to the event.
Likewise, the location to pick up your student will have many busses there and you may be pointed to a different location. We will do our best to have parents looking out for where the cars are being ‘ushered’ to in order to make sure your child knows where to find you. We will group up at the intersection of 5th and F st. unless we are moved somewhere else. Please be patient at the end.